Rafaela Miranda


Additional Info

  • Nome Rafaela Miranda
  • Investigador/a PhD Scholarship holder
  • Faculdade ISCSP-ULisboa
  • Universidade ULisboa

Rafaela Enes de Miranda is a PhD Research Fellow in Gender Studies, carrying out her work through the Interdisciplinary Centre for Gender Studies (CIEG) at the Institute of Social and Political Sciences of the University of Lisbon (ISCSP). She has a master's degree in History, Cooperation and International Relations, with a minor in Political Studies, from the Faculty of Letters of the University of Porto, and a bachelor's degree in Languages and International Relations from the same institution.

Her thesis project is entitled "Feminist RAP: the representations of feminisms and the perceptions of young Portuguese people regarding the discourses and performances of (inter)national feminist rappers" and aims to assess the representations of feminisms in the discourses and performances of rappers who evoke feminist messages and the perceptions that young Portuguese people have about feminism, through these same discourses and performances, using the theory of Hip-Hop feminism. The study is cross-sectional and cross-cultural and an explanatory sequential mixed method will be applied, analysing feminist representations in the lyrics and videos of songs by female rappers of Portuguese and American nationalities, in the year of 2024.

Topics of interest: Gender Studies, Feminisms, Sexualities, Representations, Intersectionality, Music, Cultural Studies, Media, Youth Practices.

Publications and scientific communications:

  • Miranda, Rafaela. "From Woman-Object to Subject-Rapper: the place of women in Portuguese RAP". Work presented in V COMbART: Art, activism and citizenship, 2024.

  • Miranda, Rafaela. "Hip-Hop Feminism, a revolutionary socio-political lens in Portuguese Academia". Work presented in KISMIF CONFERENCE 2024: DIY Cultures, Democracy and Creative Participation, 2024.

  • Master's dissertation: "Feminist rhetoric in RAP". Faculty of Letters of University of Porto, 2021. https://hdl.handle.net/10216/137843.

  • Paper "Feminist Rethoric in RAP" honoured in the area of Human & Social Sciences under Oral Communications at the IJUP 2022 Event held at the University of Porto, Portugal.


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