Ana Rosa Featured


Additional Info

  • Nome Ana Rosa
  • Investigador/a PhD Scholarship holder
  • Faculdade ISCSP
  • Universidade Univ. de Lisboa

Ana Rosa is a Ph.D. student in Gender Studies at the School of Social and Political Sciences of the University of Lisbon, with a research scholarship granted by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) through the Interdisciplinary Center for Gender Studies (CIEG). She is a visiting researcher at the Complutense University of Madrid. She holds a bachelor's degree in Political Science and International Relations and a master's degree in Anthropology, both from the School of Social Sciences and Humanities at Nova University Lisbon. She also holds a Master's degree in Advanced Studies in Philosophy from the Complutense University of Madrid. She received merit scholarships from the respective faculties for both master's degrees. She recently completed the project "Dynamics of Sexpolitics: A Case Study on the Unionization of Sex Workers" with a research grant from the Portuguese Anthropological Association. She has participated in various conferences, cultural and activist projects, translations, and projects in the process of publication.

Research project: Resist, dissent, create: A transnational approach to social movements around sex work in Portugal and Spain

Summary: In this research project, I aim to conduct a comparative study focused on the dynamics of associative movements related to sex work. Several countries in Europe, as well as a part of the European Parliament, have recently affirmed their commitment to a neo-abolitionist approach to sex work (Procedure reference 2022/2139(INI)). Simultaneously, within this context, there is evidence of the rise of social movements of sex workers (SW) advocating for their social recognition and labor rights. Specifically in Portugal and Spain, there is evidence of emergence and affirmation of SW movements (de Jesus Moura et al, 2022; Graça, 2019; Rosa, 2022). Thus, there is a sociopolitical context undergoing transformation in which debates related to sex work are reignited and mobilize both theoretical reflections and legal changes with material impacts on the daily lives of SW. Therefore, I propose to analyze the contemporary paradigm of sex workers’ social movements, examining the influence of gender and sexuality issues on these processes, and how these dynamics impact forms of dissident political action. This research will be carried out through a transnational and transdisciplinary multimethodological approach, primarily using methods of legal and journalistic analysis, participant observation, and interviews.

Topics of interest: Gender Studies, Sexualities, Feminism, Queer Theory, Philosophy, Anthropology, Sociology, Political Science, International Relations

Main Publications and Scientific Communications

  • Sexual Commerce: From Reproduction to Dissidence of Heteronormativity. Presented at the III International Congress of CIEG. (02/02/2024)
  • Rosa, Ana. (2022). «Dynamics of Sexpolitics: A Case Study on the Unionization of Sex Workers». Master's Thesis, Nova University Lisbon Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2022. Available at:
  • Cardoso, Daniel; Rosa, Ana; Torres da Silva, Marisa. (2021) "(De)Politicizing Polyamory: Social Media Comments on Media Representations of Consensual NonMonogamies". In Archives of Sexual Behavior 50 4 (2021): 1325-1340. 10.1007/s10508-020-01887-5
  • Rosa, Ana (2020). « The Future Now and The Fluid Forever: Transfeminist Readings of the Foucauldian Apparatus of Sexuality." Master's Thesis, Complutense University of Madrid, 2020.


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