Rita Martins Featured


Additional Info

  • Nome Rita Martins
  • Investigador/a PhD Scholarship holder
  • Faculdade CIEG/ISCSP-ULisboa
  • Universidade CIEG/ISCSP-ULisboa

Research fellow at Interdisciplinary Centre for Gender Studies (CIEG), she investigates issues related to women and the media. With a degree in Communication Sciences from the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of Universidade Nova de Lisboa, with a specialization in Journalism, she is a journalist for more than two decades. She was executive editor of Máxima magazine and Lifestyle editor of Vogue Portugal magazine, having participated and coordinated several editorial projects in the Portuguese press.

Summary of the thesis project: Women in the Portuguese Press: Gender Bias, Leadership and Female Agency in the Newsrooms.
This research aims to: characterize the participation of journalists in the newsrooms of the Portuguese written press; Analyze the impacts and constraints resulting from gender biases in the career path and progression of female journalists; Explore the gender de/construction performed by women in leadership positions; Understand how gender stereotypes and potential biases revealed or perceived by journalists influence newsroom interactions and routines; Characterize the gender biases present in journalistic content.
The research follows a mixed methodological strategy, through the application of the Explanatory Sequential Mixed Method (Creswell & Creswell, 2018): after a first stage, based on a questionnaire survey to male and female journalists from the Portuguese generalist press, semi-structured interviews were conducted (only to women, in different hierarchical positions).

Topics of interest: Gender, Media, Journalism

Publications and scientific communications
• 2024 - At the Base of the Iceberg: Impacts of Gender Bias in the lives of women journalists; paper given at the 3rd International Congress of the CIEG.
• 2024 - Gender relations in Portuguese newsrooms: what has (not) changed. Faces de Eva. Estudos sobre a Mulher, Dez 2023, no.50, p.79-100. ISSN 0874-6885
• 2023 - Female journalists who have reached the top: perceptions on communication, leadership, and gender bias in the Portuguese press. Corporate Communications: An International Journal. DOI: 10.1108/CCIJ-01-2023-0004. Licence: Gold Open Access

Other publications
• 30/01/2024: Interview with Anália Torres, director of CIEG
• 04/03/2024: Interview with sociologist Paula Espírito Santo (Gender and electoral behaviour)
• 8/05/2023: Interviews with female sports journalists
• 14/03/2023: Interview with journalist Felícia Cabrita https://www.maxima.pt/atual/detalhe/entrevista-felicia-cabrita-sou-agnostica-nao-estou-aqui-a-defender-a-igreja-mas-nunca-dou-dispensa-a-imparcialidade

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