International book chapters

Casimiro, Cláudia (2015), “Self-presentation in the Portuguese online dating scene: does gender matter?” In Online Courtship – Interpersonal Interactions Across Borders, de James Johnson and Tao Fu Online (eds) I. Alev Degim, 71-95. Amsterdam: Institute of Network Cultures, University of Amsterdam.

Casimiro, Cláudia (2015), “Self-presentation in the Portuguese online dating scene: does gender matter?”, I. Alev Degim, James Johnson and Tao Fu Online (eds), Online Courtship – Interpersonal Interactions Across Borders, Institute of Network Cultures, University of Amsterdam, pp. 71-95. (ISBN: 978-90-822345-7-2.) [] Online desde 14-07-2015.

Correia, C. & Neves, Sofia (2011). Ser brasileira em Portugal – uma abordagem às representações, preconceitos e estereótipos sociais (Being Brazilian in Portugal - an approach to social representations, prejudices and stereotypes). In V. de Oliveira, E. Lauri Leandro & J.

Cunha Silvestre, Maria João (2009). Female body representations in Portuguese popular media. In Gender at the Crossroads: Multi-disciplinary perspectives - 3rd International Conference on Women’s Studies (Kara, N.) (ed.). Center for Women’s Studies. North Cyprus: Eastern Mediterranean University Press, 305-311

Falcão Casaca, Sara, Heloísa Perista (2016), “Older workers in Portugal: a gender sensitive approach”, in Léime, A; Krekula, C.; Street, D; Vickerstaff, S.; Loretto, W. (eds), Gender, Ageing and Extended Working Life, London: Policy Press, Chapter 7

Goulart, Pedro (2016), “Multicultural: Stories of Political and Cultural (Mis)understandings”, in Irene Gilsenan Nordin, Chatarina Edefeldt, Lung-Lung Hu, Herbert Johnson and André Blanc, eds., Transcultural Identity Constructions in a Changing World”, Frankfurt: Peter Lang, pp 23-32.

Goulart, Pedro (2016), Obreshkova, E. e P. Goulart (2016) “Single Parenthood” IN C.L. Shehan (ed.) The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Family Studies, pp.1816-1820.

Guerreiro, Maria das Dores, Anália Torres and Luís Capucha (2009), “Do European Values have a sex?”, in Welfare and Everyday Life, Portugal in the European Context, Vol.III, CIES, ISCTE-IUL, Lisboa, Celta Editora

Januário de Oliveira Amaral (Orgs.). Migração: múltiplos olhares. (pp. 157-185). São Carlos: Pedro & João Editores/Editora da UNIR-EDUFRO.

Martins, Carla, Jorge, A. (2009), “Representation of the ‘feminine’ in the Portuguese popular newspapers Correio da Manhã and 24Horas”, in Garcia-Blanco, I., Van Bauwel, S., Cammaerts, B. (ed.), Media Agoras: Democracy, Diversity and Communications, Cambridge, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 98-114

Neves, Bárbara Barbosa e Fausto Amaro (2015), “Internet Use Amongst Older Adults: A Critical Perspective (In Portuguese — A utilização da Internet pelas pessoas idosas: uma perspectiva crítica).” In Tecnologias de Informação no Processo de Envelhecimento Humano, de A., Gil, H., e Fausto Amaro Pasqualotti. Passo Fundo: Universidade de Passo Fundo Editora.

Neves, Sofia & Nogueira, C. (2010). Deconstructing Gendered Discourses of Love, Power and Violence in Intimate Relationships. In D. C. Jack & A. Ali (Eds). Silencing the Self Across Cultures Depression and Gender in the Social World (pp. 241-261). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Pinto, Paula C. (2009), “Women, disability, and the right to health” in Armstrong, Pat and Jennifer Deadman (Eds.), Women’s Health, Toronto, Women’s Press.

Pinto, Paula C. (2010). Beyond the State: The making of disability and gender under neo-liberalism in Portugal. In Susan Braedley & Meg Luxton (Eds.) Neo-liberalism and the Everyday Life (pp.113-135). Toronto: McGill Queens University Press.

Pinto, Paula C. (2011). Monitoring disability rights: A holistic approach. In Lee Ann Basser; Marcia Rioux & Melinda Jones (Eds.) Critical Perspectives on Human Rights and Disability Law, pp. 451-478. The Netherlands: Brill Publishers.

Pinto, Paula C. (2015). Conclusion: Debating disability rights monitoring - Strengths, weaknesses and challenges ahead. In M. Rioux, Paula C. Pinto, & G. Parekh, (coords.) Disability, rights monitoring and social change: Building power out of evidence. Toronto: Canadian Scholar’s Press.

Pinto, Paula C. (2016). Of Rights and Wrongs: The National Disability Strategy in Portugal. In Charles O’Mahoney and Gerard Quinn (Eds.) Disability Law and Policy: An Analysis of the UN Convention, Cambridge, UK: Intersentia.

Pinto, Paula Campos (2016), Rethinking disability as a human rights issue. In Pat Devlieger, Beatriz Mirand-Galarza, Steven Brown and Megan Strickfaden (orgs.) Rethinking disability: World perspectives on culture and society, pp. 207-226. Antuérpia: Garant.

Pinto, Paula Campos (2016), Women, disability and the right to health. In Pat Armstrong & Jennifer Deadman (coords.) (2016), Women’s health: Intersections of Policy, research and practice, 2nd edition, pp. 137-152. Toronto: Women’s Press.

Rodriguez-Castro, Yolanda; Alonso-Ruido, Patricia & Magalhães, Maria José (2016) “Violencia de género em Portugal: Análise de los discursos de los equipos técnicos de atención a las víctimas”, in Iglesias Canle et al. (coords.) (2016) El Principio de Igualdad desde un Enfoque Pluridisciplinar. Prevención y represión de la violencia de género, Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch y Xunta de Galicia.

Sant’ana Helena (2011),” Educational Processes and Ethnicity among hindu migrants “in Bekerman,Zvi (ed) International Handbook Migration, Minorities, and Education – Understanding Cultural and Social Differences in processes of Learning, London, UK, Springer, p.  577-594

Sant’ana, Helena (2009), “Goans and Damanians in Portugal  overview of a singular diaspora” in Jacobsen, Knut e Selva Raj Aldershot (ed) South Asian Christian Diaspora, Ashgate Publishing Ltd, Aldershot, UK, p. 133-155.

Sant’ana, Helena (2011) “Os eixos ideológicos do poder biomédico: o projeto de Manuel Ferreira Ribeiro” (The ideological axes of biomedical power: the project of Manuel Ferreira Ribeiro), in O Colonialismo Português e os PALOP - Novos Rumos da Historiografia da Coleção Estudos Africanos do CEAUP, Lisboa, editora HUMUS

Sant’ana, Helena (2012) “Hinduism in Post-Colonial Portugal”, in Jacobson, Knut A. ( Org.) The Brill Encyclopedia of Hinduism, Vol. V., Hague, Netherland, Brill. P.1-18 (Brill’s Encyclopedia of Hinduism).

Silva, D., Pedro  Goulart e E. Obreshkova (2016) “Marriage Rates” IN C.L. Shehan (ed.) The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Family Studies, pp. 1378-1384.

Silva, E. & Neves, Sofia (2011). Vivências de Amor e de Intimidade em Mulheres Imigrantes (Experiences of Love and Intimacy in Immigrant Women). In M. Strey, A. Piason & A. Julio (Org.) Vida de mulher: gênero, sexualidade e etnia (pp. 207-248). Porto Alegre: EDIPUCRS.

Topa, J. & Neves, Sofia (2011). Ser Mulher, Ser Imigrante: Emergência de novas Identificações Femininas (Being a Woman, Being an Immigrant: Emergence of new Female Identifications)In M. Strey, A. Piason & A. Julio (Org.) Vida de mulher: gênero, sexualidade e etnia (pp. 249-286). Porto Alegre: EDIPUCRS.

Torres, Anália, Ana Lito, Isabel Sousa and Diana Maciel (2009), Drug Addicts - Socio-psychological trajectories and problematic ties, in Guerreiro, Maria das Dores, Anália Torres and Luís Capucha (2009). Welfare and Everyday Life, Portugal in the European Context, Vol.III, Lisboa, CIES, ISCTE-IUL, Celta Editora

Torres, Anália, Bernardo Coelho and Miguel Cabrita (2014), “Bridge over troubled waters: Family, Gendered Welfare in Portugal in the European Context” in Moreno-Fuentes, Francisco Javier and Pau Mari-Klose (eds.), The Mediterranean Welfare Regime and the Economic Crisis, London, Routledge.