Sexual Harassment and Bullying in the Workplace

The project "Sexual Harassment and Bullying in the Workplace" was promoted by Commission for Equality in Labour and Employment and developed by a research team from CIEG-ISCSP/ULisboa. The team was coordinated by Anália Torres and had Dália Costa, Bernardo Coelho, Helena Sant´Ana and Isabel Sousa as its members. This project originated a book, a training manual in portuguese, an ebook in english and a policy brief in both portuguese and english. After the publication of the study, Anália Torres and Bernardo Coelho were one of the entities heard by the Task Force of the 10th Parliamentary Comission - Harassment and Bullying in the Workplace, at the National Assembly, on the 27th of April 2017. The results of this study were an important contribution to the knowledge of the situations of harrassment and bullying in the workplace and to the adjustment of the Law.

Project financed by EEA Grants and promoted by CIG/CITE (Comissão para a Cidadania e Igualdade de Género e Comissão para a Igualdade no Trabalho e no Emprego).

Publicações do projeto:

Livro Assédio Sexual e Moral no Local de Trabalho

Book Sexual Harassment and Bullying in the workplace in Portugal 

Manual de Formação para Prevenir e Combater o Assédio Sexual e Moral no Local de Trabalho. Trilhos para a tolerância zero

Policy Brief Assédio Sexual e Moral no local de trabalho em Portugal

Policy Brief Sexual Harassment and Bullying in the workplace in Portugal 

Guia para a elaboração do código de boa conduta para a prevenção e combate ao assédio no trabalho



Additional Info

  • Composição da Equipa de Investigação:

    Anália Torres (coordenadora)

    Dália Costa

    Helena Sant'Ana

    Bernardo Coelho

  • Duração do Projeto: Janeiro de 2014 - Setembro de 2015
  • Entidade Promotora: CIG/ CITE
  • Entidade financiadora: EEA Grants