

The Interdisciplinary Center for Gender Studies (CIEG/ISCSP-ULisboa) and The International Research Association of Institutions of Advanced Gender Studies (RINGS) invite you to the online launch of the “Routledge International Handbook of Feminisms and Gender Studies. Convergences, Divergences, and Pluralities”, which will take place on Thursday, March 13th 2025.

The 25-chapter volume was edited by Anália Torres, Paula Campos Pinto, Tamara Shefer, and Jeff Hearn. This Handbook offers a unique global perspective in the field of feminist and gender studies, featuring contributions from authors of several different nationalities, including Albania, Argentina, Brazil, Czech Republic, Germany, Iceland, India, Iran, Jordan, Portugal, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Uganda, and the United Kingdom.


Join us for the launch session on March 13th at 2pm (GMT) / 3 pm (CET)

Link for attendance here:


The event will also be streamed live on CIEG's Youtube Channel, here.

Additional details can be found on CIEG’s website here and RINGS website.


We look forward to seeing you!

Anália Torres

Paula Campos Pinto

Tamara Shefer

Jeff Hearn

Routledge International Handbook of Feminisms and Gender Studies.
Convergences, Divergences, and Pluralities
Ed. Anália Torres, Paula Campos Pinto, Tamara Shefer and Jeff Hearn.
Available here:

Authors from several different nationalities contributed to this edition, providing a unique global research perspective in the field of feminist and gender studies:

  • Albania
  • Argentina
  • Brazil
  • Czech Republic
  • Germany
  • Iceland
  • India
  • Iran
  • Jordan
  • Portugal
  • South Africa
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland
  • Turkey
  • Uganda
  • United Kingdon

Routledge pre venda

FCT announced the opening of the 7th edition of the Individual Call to Scientific Employment Stimulus. Applications can be submitted until November 29th 2024.

CIEG will be accepting applications as host institution from researchers with PhD whose projects are aligned with CIEG's goals and research lines. More information on the Centre's research lines, here.

Interested candidates must submit the request to have CIEG as host institution by November 8th 2024 with the documents and information below, according to FCT's Application Guide :

  • Category to which they are applying
  • Research line to which they are applying
  • Narrative CV
  • Summary of the proposed work plan
  • Work plan (Background; Research plan and methods; Expected outcomes)
  • Career Development Plan
  • Cover letter, in which is detailed the scientific career and path as well as the relevance of the activities explicited on the project proposal (2 pages max.)


All contact regarding the application must be made through this e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., with subject “CEEC 7th edition - expression of interest”.

Additional information on FCT's website.

IMPORTANT: The application to CIEG as host institution does not substitute the application to FCT, here.


Tuesday, 27 August 2024 15:31

Rafaela Miranda

Rafaela Enes de Miranda is a PhD Research Fellow in Gender Studies, carrying out her work through the Interdisciplinary Centre for Gender Studies (CIEG) at the Institute of Social and Political Sciences of the University of Lisbon (ISCSP). She has a master's degree in History, Cooperation and International Relations, with a minor in Political Studies, from the Faculty of Letters of the University of Porto, and a bachelor's degree in Languages and International Relations from the same institution.

Her thesis project is entitled "Feminist RAP: the representations of feminisms and the perceptions of young Portuguese people regarding the discourses and performances of (inter)national feminist rappers" and aims to assess the representations of feminisms in the discourses and performances of rappers who evoke feminist messages and the perceptions that young Portuguese people have about feminism, through these same discourses and performances, using the theory of Hip-Hop feminism. The study is cross-sectional and cross-cultural and an explanatory sequential mixed method will be applied, analysing feminist representations in the lyrics and videos of songs by female rappers of Portuguese and American nationalities, in the year of 2024.

Topics of interest: Gender Studies, Feminisms, Sexualities, Representations, Intersectionality, Music, Cultural Studies, Media, Youth Practices.

Publications and scientific communications:

  • Miranda, Rafaela. "From Woman-Object to Subject-Rapper: the place of women in Portuguese RAP". Work presented in V COMbART: Art, activism and citizenship, 2024.

  • Miranda, Rafaela. "Hip-Hop Feminism, a revolutionary socio-political lens in Portuguese Academia". Work presented in KISMIF CONFERENCE 2024: DIY Cultures, Democracy and Creative Participation, 2024.

  • Master's dissertation: "Feminist rhetoric in RAP". Faculty of Letters of University of Porto, 2021.

  • Paper "Feminist Rethoric in RAP" honoured in the area of Human & Social Sciences under Oral Communications at the IJUP 2022 Event held at the University of Porto, Portugal.


Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Friday, 12 July 2024 14:47

MIGAP - MigrAção no Porto

The MIGAP - MigrAção no Porto project is promoted by the Interdisciplinary Centre for Gender Studies (ISCSP), the Centre for Organisational and Social Studies of the Polytechnic of Porto, the University of Maia and ISCAP.

Given the expressiveness and diversity of migrants living in Greater Porto, the MIGAP project began with a first study "Migratory trends in Porto: an exploratory analysis" whose general aim is to characterise the profiles and understand the experiences of migrants living in Greater Porto. The project's specific objectives are to understand the needs and experiences of migrant populations living in Greater Porto; to identify recent migratory patterns of migrants living in Porto; and to understand the diversity of profiles and integration of migrants during the integration process.

Thus, in partnership with higher education institutions, non-governmental organisations and public institutions, the study will include collecting data from migrants in the geographical area of Greater Porto.

Coordinating the project at UMAIA and the CIEG-UMAIA centre are the following researchers:

  • Joana Topa (Coordination)
  • Estefânia Silva (Team Member)
  • Helen Cruz (Team Member)
  • Izabela Pinheiro (Team Member)
  • Mariana Holanda (Team Member)

Lia Antunes, FCT PhD candidate in Architecture at the University of Coimbra, with CIEG/ISCSP-ULisboa as her host institution, was awarded the MAXQDA International Prize #ResearchForChange 2024 - Women Empowerment for her project "Women of the SAAL Process (1974-1976) in Portugal: Women architects and residents for the right to housing".

The research endeavoured to show the impact of women on social and political processes.

The entire CIEG/ISCSP-ULisboa team congratulates Lia Antunes, an architect and researcher in the field of women in architecture, for her successful research.

The International Seminar of the Free Choices Project | Stereotypes do not make my gender: vocational and professional choices free from prejudice. The project is promoted by UMAR - Union of Alternative and Responsive Women and funded by the Gender Equality and Reconciliation Programme of the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism - EEA Grants 2014-2021. The purpose of the seminar was to publicise the project's objectives and results to date, encouraging critical reflection on gender stereotypes and vocational and professional choices in the school context.



Friday, 28 June 2024 11:27

Rita Martins

Research fellow at Interdisciplinary Centre for Gender Studies (CIEG), she investigates issues related to women and the media. With a degree in Communication Sciences from the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of Universidade Nova de Lisboa, with a specialization in Journalism, she is a journalist for more than two decades. She was executive editor of Máxima magazine and Lifestyle editor of Vogue Portugal magazine, having participated and coordinated several editorial projects in the Portuguese press.

Summary of the thesis project: Women in the Portuguese Press: Gender Bias, Leadership and Female Agency in the Newsrooms.
This research aims to: characterize the participation of journalists in the newsrooms of the Portuguese written press; Analyze the impacts and constraints resulting from gender biases in the career path and progression of female journalists; Explore the gender de/construction performed by women in leadership positions; Understand how gender stereotypes and potential biases revealed or perceived by journalists influence newsroom interactions and routines; Characterize the gender biases present in journalistic content.
The research follows a mixed methodological strategy, through the application of the Explanatory Sequential Mixed Method (Creswell & Creswell, 2018): after a first stage, based on a questionnaire survey to male and female journalists from the Portuguese generalist press, semi-structured interviews were conducted (only to women, in different hierarchical positions).

Topics of interest: Gender, Media, Journalism

Publications and scientific communications
• 2024 - At the Base of the Iceberg: Impacts of Gender Bias in the lives of women journalists; paper given at the 3rd International Congress of the CIEG.
• 2024 - Gender relations in Portuguese newsrooms: what has (not) changed. Faces de Eva. Estudos sobre a Mulher, Dez 2023, no.50, p.79-100. ISSN 0874-6885
• 2023 - Female journalists who have reached the top: perceptions on communication, leadership, and gender bias in the Portuguese press. Corporate Communications: An International Journal. DOI: 10.1108/CCIJ-01-2023-0004. Licence: Gold Open Access

Other publications
• 30/01/2024: Interview with Anália Torres, director of CIEG
• 04/03/2024: Interview with sociologist Paula Espírito Santo (Gender and electoral behaviour)
• 8/05/2023: Interviews with female sports journalists
• 14/03/2023: Interview with journalist Felícia Cabrita

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Friday, 28 June 2024 10:46

Maria Emília de Oliveira Ferreira

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Maria Emília de Oliveira Ferreira has a PhD in Contemporary Art History and a Master's in Art History from the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of the New University of Lisbon. She is Director of the National Museum of Contemporary Art in Lisbon.

Her areas of interest are Women's Studies, Art History in Portugal, Public Art Museums and Academies.

Friday, 28 June 2024 09:44

Carla Cruz

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Carla Cruz has a PhD in Communication Sciences with a specialism in Communication Sociology from Universidade Aberta, a Master's degree in Sociology from ISCSP-ULisboa and a degree in Social Communication from the same institution. Assistant Professor at ISCSP-ULisboa in the disciplinary areas of Communication Sciences, Sociology, Sociology of Organisations and Work and Human Resources Management. Researcher at the Centre for Administration and Public Policy (CAPP) in the Communication, Society and Culture group.




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